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VVArts is excited to announce a partnership with one of the coolest venues in Shoreditch, this is an exhibition which is designed to give artists from all walks of life a chance to showcase their work to a lively and art-loving audience. We are looking to showcase the best creative pieces from dedicated and motivated individuals in London and Europe. So far we have 12 artists taking part and all of the art is available for sale.

The venue we are talking about is Coffee Matters (@coffeematterslondon), an art cafe which has hosted the artwork of Leva Li (@blk_stripes), for the past three years. They have a proven track record as a place that can host lots of pieces, do private views and sell pieces on behalf of artists.

CM have agreed to take us on and our organisation is bringing some of the best upcoming talent that London has to offer, to showcase their work in this venue. The Exhibition is running from the 30th of October to the 26th of November and the Launch Party for this November exhibition happening? On the 5th November at 19:30 and we will have DJ @lamelillo_official, there to provide great music, along with one glass of wine for every guest.

There will also be a second event during these 4 weeks and it will be the Debate Night happening on the 19th, an evening where we get some artists together and have a podcast style debate about pertinent topics such as ‘Why Art Matters’ and ‘What success as an artist means in 2023’.


27 November