to 21 Sep


The extraordinary exhibition called ‘Blended Realities’ showcases the dynamic collaboration of artists Jairo Zaldua and Nicola Green, who have been creatively entwined for over twenty years. It is partly called Blended Realities because the artists are known for their playful and experimental approach to their art, Zaldua and Green work in different mediums and blend together different materials and visuals to create a beautiful blend of collage which normally wouldn’t exist.

Each and everyone of their pieces is a unique exercise in creativity and the pair have showcased their work all over London and even have some of their work on permanent display in the V&A public collection, they have done classes, workshops and hosted talks on art and the importance of self expression. They seek to explore the boundaries of artistic expression through a captivating blend of silkscreen, collage, and installation.

This exhibition ‘Blended Realities’ loosely navigates the intriguing concept of fantastical creatures and dream-like scenarios. They are exploring themes of imaginary companions, infusing it with an adult perspective that unveil psychological and otherworldly interpretations of psychological manifestations and conditions that affect us all. These are beautiful works of art that exist in surreal and incongruous situations that challenge our perceptions of reality. Join us as we embark on this imaginative odyssey, where the playful interplay of form and concept invites you to contemplate the ever-shifting landscapes of identity and creativity.

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to 17 Aug


A Sip of Creativity is akin to saying a glimpse into the creative furnace of an artist’s mind, it is a journey into a whirlwind of colour and imagination of which you the viewer can experience. The art show, hosted at A Mini Bar in Hackney, titled "A Sip of Creativity," is designed to hold artwork which was created from an explosion of innovation and inspiration. The walls are adorned with vibrant paintings that pulse with energy from human memories, inner experiences of passion and pain. Each piece of art on the wall is a window into the artist's soul, a distillation of their most intimate thoughts and emotions. If imagination can create a smell then we want AMIH to be alive with the scent of it. We know we have done it right when the artists' works are causing an alchemic effect and awakening a deep wellspring of inspiration within the viewer. The more you gaze upon the art, the more you are sipping from that potent creative cocktail and being culturally enriched in the process.

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to 14 Jul


Rise&Shine is a vibrant and uplifting art exhibition created and curated by VVArts in collaboration with the venue Alfie’s Aperitivo En Vogue.

It is a showcase of art which hasn’t been seen before, brought together for your viewing pleasure. The idea behind this title is to have an event which celebrates the beauty of new beginnings and the joy of waking up to a brighter day. This dynamic collection of works features a diverse range of artistic styles and mediums, all united by a shared sense of optimism and energy, with each piece exploring the emotional and psychological resonance of these moments. We are inviting our viewers to pause, reflect, and revel in the beauty of the world anew. Each and every day is a revelation and an opportunity to either reinvent oneself or to build upon that which you are already working hard to develop.

Through its diverse range of artworks, "Rise and Shine" offers a unique and uplifting experience for viewers, encouraging them to reflect on their own experiences of rising to new challenges and embracing the possibilities of each new day. Join us as we celebrate the joy and beauty of waking up to a brighter world where you can come across new art, where you can make an investment for your future in a piece of art which will never lose value and depending on the art, can only go up.

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to 4 Jun


Renowned Italian street artist .M.E.Y.O. will finally make his mark in the London art scene with his first solo exhibition. Showcasing his unique style and technique, the exhibition is a testament to his talent and creativity. Art enthusiasts and collectors alike are eager to experience the visual feast that .M.E.Y.O. has in store for them. The artist's bold and striking pieces are sure to leave a lasting impression on all who attend the exhibition/live painting.

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to 22 Jun


*** ETENDED Until the 22nd of June***

Prepare yourself for one of the most interesting art experiences in Stoke Newington. It is the "Fluid Reaction" Exhibition. The term in this context is used to encapsulate the way the three artists' styles and techniques intersect and respond to each other within the space provided by ‘A Mini Bar in Hackney’. Felix, Sam and Anoushka are artists that love working on canvas with acrylic and inks. They have burning creative visions to where they are compelled to create art when they can and the resulting art is completely different and unique to each individual. The styles of art which we have on display have got layers of meaning and interesting context to delve into. Much the same way in science you might combine two or more substances to create a brand new compound or product, VVArts has brought together the work of three entirely different artists to a new venue to put on a brilliant new artistic showcase which hasn’t been seen before anywhere else. Just as a fluid reacts to external forces and stimuli, the artists' work may be seen as a reaction to each other's creativity, resulting in a unique and dynamic visual experience.

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to 15 Jun


Art at Alfie's: 'Lost In It' is the next group exhibition that is being brought to you by VVArts, a contemporary Art Studio in London. 'Lost in It’, plays upon the idea of being so deeply focused on the art that you enter the flow state and are taken to a different world as an artist. We hope to take you to a different world as the viewer who comes to visit and see for yourself the incredible body of art that we have brought together for this showcase. It is an incredible collection of talented individuals with differing styles of art and creativity. Let VVA show you some art to take you away.

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to 2 May


VVA continues the work of putting on monthly exhibitions, "Equilibrium" is just one of the latest offerings in a list which is steadily expanding each and every month that passes by. This is an exhibition which invites the viewers to contemplate the importance of finding a sense of balance and stability as life becomes more of a pressure cooker thanks to the economic difficulties of the day. You owe it to yourself to slow things down and drink-in a bit of the art culture down in Shoreditch


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to 27 Apr


"Shots of Expression" is a captivating art group exhibition that explores the diverse ways in which artists express themselves through abstracts and graphics. Through a range of mediums and techniques, each artist brings their unique voice and perspective to the forefront, creating a symphony of creativity and emotion.

The abstract pieces in the exhibition are a fascinating exploration of form, color, and texture. Some artists use bold, sweeping brush strokes to convey a sense of movement and energy, while others utilize intricate patterns and subtle shifts in color to evoke a mood or emotion. The abstract works invite viewers to interpret and engage with the art on a personal level, encouraging contemplation and introspection.

The artists represented in "Shots of Expression" come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, offering a rich tapestry of voices and visions. Their work speaks to the universal nature of art as a form of self-expression, reflecting the beauty and complexity of the human experience.


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to 6 Apr


The ‘Emerald’ exhibition in Shoreditch is a truly unique and immersive experience, there is artwork by 5 unique artists each with genuinely beautiful work which you can take home with you. The truth behind the name of the exhibition is that we love the symbolism of emeralds standing for love and clarity. Since the very beginning of this VVArts, we have been working with these principles in mind when it comes to working with artists. |We greatly enjoy what we are doing, we make sure to organise the best artists we can find, match them to the right venue, promote the events and then professionally photograph, retouch each and every picture to a meticulous degree and then post them to social media as well as giving artists free access to the entire catalogue of enhanced pictures for their own use.


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to 9 Mar


If you are looking to have a great night out with a touch of sophistication, then you need to come down to Alfie’s Aperitivo en Vogue. There is great art on the walls, two different floors worth of creative beauty to behold and there are amazing cocktails. There is comfortable seating on both levels so you can really relax and take in the artwork for yourself whilst you are sipping on a delicious grappa cocktail. The Opening party is Saturday the 17th at 19:00 and you are of course invited to come down and see the art, sample the drinks and enjoy the great ambiance of the place. This is an event that you simply don’t want to miss out on so if you are coming down, send us a message and let us know.  


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to 3 Mar


As we move further into the new year, we are entering into a new month, VVArts is reaching out to you guys to let you know about our latest exhibition happening at Coffee Matters in Shoreditch. It is the Art Matters February Edition and we have been working hard to make this showcase a reality.

The exhibition is happening from the 29th of January to the 3rd of March and we are happy to tell you it is an event open to the public, so during these cold months you can come down to the Cafe to see the body of work from the latest artists, you can enjoy tea, coffee or cake whilst you decide which piece you want to take.

Most importantly the private view is happening on the 3rd of February at 19:30 to 22:00 so you are welcome to come down, bring your friends and family, as usual the first drink is on us!!!


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to 26 Nov


VVArts is excited to announce a partnership with one of the coolest venues in Shoreditch, this is an exhibition which is designed to give artists from all walks of life a chance to showcase their work to a lively and art-loving audience. We are looking to showcase the best creative pieces from dedicated and motivated individuals in London and Europe. So far we have 12 artists taking part and all of the art is available for sale.

The venue we are talking about is Coffee Matters (@coffeematterslondon), an art cafe which has hosted the artwork of Leva Li (@blk_stripes), for the past three years. They have a proven track record as a place that can host lots of pieces, do private views and sell pieces on behalf of artists.

CM have agreed to take us on and our organisation is bringing some of the best upcoming talent that London has to offer, to showcase their work in this venue. The Exhibition is running from the 30th of October to the 26th of November and the Launch Party for this November exhibition happening? On the 5th November at 19:30 and we will have DJ @lamelillo_official, there to provide great music, along with one glass of wine for every guest.

There will also be a second event during these 4 weeks and it will be the Debate Night happening on the 19th, an evening where we get some artists together and have a podcast style debate about pertinent topics such as ‘Why Art Matters’ and ‘What success as an artist means in 2023’.


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